Chat bot

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Consultation has concluded

Since the introduction of our chat bot in June 2023 it has responded to around 13000 queries. When it was first introduced, we programmed the chat bot with a small number of responses which lead to 15% of customers achieving an answer to their question.

In January we run a refresh of our programmed responses based on the feedback we had on our chat bot. Since the refresh we have seen the success increase from 15% to 30%. We welcome further feedback on the chat bot as we look to continue to monitor its performance and increase its abilities

Since the introduction of our chat bot in June 2023 it has responded to around 13000 queries. When it was first introduced, we programmed the chat bot with a small number of responses which lead to 15% of customers achieving an answer to their question.

In January we run a refresh of our programmed responses based on the feedback we had on our chat bot. Since the refresh we have seen the success increase from 15% to 30%. We welcome further feedback on the chat bot as we look to continue to monitor its performance and increase its abilities

Consultation has concluded
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