Greyfriars consultation - Listening to your views

On 21 and 25 June Greyfriars residents joined bpha and Bedford Borough Council to find out more about our proposed plans for the area.
The consultation was an opportunity to share the Council’s local plan 2040, which includes the redevelopment of Greyfriars. To create new homes and improve the attractiveness of the area.
Residents were invited to share their thoughts and ideas on what the area could become, as well as what makes a great home and what they would like to see in their neighbourhood. It was great to chat to everyone and get their suggestions.
The consultation is the first stage in a long process of planning and design. And more opportunities for discussion will take place as plans progress.
If you are a Greyfriars resident and would like to keep up to date with the proposed plans, please check back regularly.
We will update with the latest information on the planning and design process, along with timelines for each stage. There will also be lots of opportunities for you to feedback your views through polls surveys and our interactive map.