Social media

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We would like your views on how you would like us to keep you up to date with bpha news and activities, in particular on social media.

We currently share this information with you on a variety of channels including Facebook and X.

We'd like to know:

If you use X to find out information about bpha and any news and updates

If you use Facebook to find out information about bpha and any news and updates. Please complete the questions below.

We would like your views on how you would like us to keep you up to date with bpha news and activities, in particular on social media.

We currently share this information with you on a variety of channels including Facebook and X.

We'd like to know:

If you use X to find out information about bpha and any news and updates

If you use Facebook to find out information about bpha and any news and updates. Please complete the questions below.

  • Take Survey
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Page last updated: 17 Dec 2024, 06:44 PM