Together with Tenants Charter

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The Together with Tenants charter, introduced by the National Housing Federation, sets out what customers can expect from their landlord, regardless of where you live or what type of property you live in.

bpha would like to formally adopt the charter and the six commitments for how Housing Associations should work with their tenants around the themes.

Relationships – Housing associations will treat all residents with respect in all of their interactions. Relationships between residents and housing associations will be based on openness, honesty and transparency.

Communication – Residents will receive clear, accessible and timely information from their housing association on the issues that matter to them, including important information about their homes and local community, how the organisation is working to address problems, how the organisation is run, and information about performance on key issues.

Voice and influence – Views from residents will be sought and valued and this information will be used to inform decisions. Every individual resident will feel listened to by their housing association on the issues that matter to them and can speak without fear.

Accountability – Collectively, residents will work in partnership with their housing association to independently scrutinise and hold their housing association to account for the decisions that a­ffect the quality of their homes and services.

Quality – Residents can expect their homes to be good quality, well maintained, safe and well managed.

When things go wrong – Residents will have simple and accessible routes for raising issues, making complaint.

If you would like to be involved in discussions around us signing up to the Charter, or, give your views on how bpha are delivering against the commitments and areas where we can improve, please contact

The Together with Tenants charter, introduced by the National Housing Federation, sets out what customers can expect from their landlord, regardless of where you live or what type of property you live in.

bpha would like to formally adopt the charter and the six commitments for how Housing Associations should work with their tenants around the themes.

Relationships – Housing associations will treat all residents with respect in all of their interactions. Relationships between residents and housing associations will be based on openness, honesty and transparency.

Communication – Residents will receive clear, accessible and timely information from their housing association on the issues that matter to them, including important information about their homes and local community, how the organisation is working to address problems, how the organisation is run, and information about performance on key issues.

Voice and influence – Views from residents will be sought and valued and this information will be used to inform decisions. Every individual resident will feel listened to by their housing association on the issues that matter to them and can speak without fear.

Accountability – Collectively, residents will work in partnership with their housing association to independently scrutinise and hold their housing association to account for the decisions that a­ffect the quality of their homes and services.

Quality – Residents can expect their homes to be good quality, well maintained, safe and well managed.

When things go wrong – Residents will have simple and accessible routes for raising issues, making complaint.

If you would like to be involved in discussions around us signing up to the Charter, or, give your views on how bpha are delivering against the commitments and areas where we can improve, please contact

The Together with Tenants charter aims to strengthen the relationship between residents and housing association landlords. What do you think we need to do to achieve this?

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Page published: 14 Sep 2023, 02:42 PM