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Consultation has concluded

Over the course of this financial year we will ask approximately 1500 a set of questions called the Tenant Satisfaction Measures which has been introduced by the Regulator for Social Housing. We are publishing our results quarterly on the website, and we would love to know more about why we have some of the results we do.

It’s a really important way for us to understand your experiences of bpha and make improvements as a result.

How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that bpha keeps you informed about things that matter to you?

The year to date our score is 62.8% - we want this to improve!

Help us understand, What do you want to be informed about? What matters to you most?

Please complete the short survey below (5 questions). By taking part you will automatically be entered into a draw to win a £10.00 shopping voucher. This topic will close 30th April 2024. Please see attached terms & conditions.

Over the course of this financial year we will ask approximately 1500 a set of questions called the Tenant Satisfaction Measures which has been introduced by the Regulator for Social Housing. We are publishing our results quarterly on the website, and we would love to know more about why we have some of the results we do.

It’s a really important way for us to understand your experiences of bpha and make improvements as a result.

How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that bpha keeps you informed about things that matter to you?

The year to date our score is 62.8% - we want this to improve!

Help us understand, What do you want to be informed about? What matters to you most?

Please complete the short survey below (5 questions). By taking part you will automatically be entered into a draw to win a £10.00 shopping voucher. This topic will close 30th April 2024. Please see attached terms & conditions.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
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