Greyfriars consultation

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View of Greyfriars tower blocks in Bedford

Bedford Borough Council’s emerging Local Plan 2040 (consulted on last year) includes Greyfriars as an opportunity for regeneration and the development of new homes.

The Council and bpha are able to use their own land and buildings to stimulate regeneration of key town centre locations and build high quality urban neighbourhoods.

In building new homes and replacing existing ones, bpha and the Council will want to take a long term view by providing homes that fit well into the neighbourhood, are of high quality, are environmentally sustainable and will stand the test of time.

Vision for the future of Greyfriars

After hearing your views, we have prepared the following aspirations for the future of Greyfriars. It will:

  • Be delivered through working in partnership with existing residents, landowners, other stakeholders, and the wider community.
  • Make the best use of the Partnerships’ assets.
  • Be well-connected and safe. The site’s central location presents the opportunity to enhance safe sustainable travel to the town centre and nearby facilities.
  • Be a sustainable new neighbourhood. Public land ownership means the site offers an opportunity to demonstrate sustainable design, and target net zero carbon development.
  • Be diverse. The redevelopment offers the opportunity for new housing types and tenures appropriate for meeting the existing residents’ needs as well as new demand to create a mixed and balanced community.
  • Be a green place. The outside space will be an integral part of the new neighbourhood and street scenes, and incorporates lessons learned from living in the pandemic.

You can find up to date information on the proposals and an opportunity to share your views on the council's website:

Bedford Borough Council’s emerging Local Plan 2040 (consulted on last year) includes Greyfriars as an opportunity for regeneration and the development of new homes.

The Council and bpha are able to use their own land and buildings to stimulate regeneration of key town centre locations and build high quality urban neighbourhoods.

In building new homes and replacing existing ones, bpha and the Council will want to take a long term view by providing homes that fit well into the neighbourhood, are of high quality, are environmentally sustainable and will stand the test of time.

Vision for the future of Greyfriars

After hearing your views, we have prepared the following aspirations for the future of Greyfriars. It will:

  • Be delivered through working in partnership with existing residents, landowners, other stakeholders, and the wider community.
  • Make the best use of the Partnerships’ assets.
  • Be well-connected and safe. The site’s central location presents the opportunity to enhance safe sustainable travel to the town centre and nearby facilities.
  • Be a sustainable new neighbourhood. Public land ownership means the site offers an opportunity to demonstrate sustainable design, and target net zero carbon development.
  • Be diverse. The redevelopment offers the opportunity for new housing types and tenures appropriate for meeting the existing residents’ needs as well as new demand to create a mixed and balanced community.
  • Be a green place. The outside space will be an integral part of the new neighbourhood and street scenes, and incorporates lessons learned from living in the pandemic.

You can find up to date information on the proposals and an opportunity to share your views on the council's website:

Get involved or ask a question

If you are a Greyfriars resident and would like to help shape the future of your community, share ideas for improvements, find out more or ask a question you can do it here.

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  • Share If the tower blocks were to come down will the residents be rehoused on Facebook Share If the tower blocks were to come down will the residents be rehoused on Twitter Share If the tower blocks were to come down will the residents be rehoused on Linkedin Email If the tower blocks were to come down will the residents be rehoused link

    If the tower blocks were to come down will the residents be rehoused

    Andy@22 asked about 2 years ago


    Thanks for you question, I can confirm any proposal to remove existing homes will allow for re-housing of existing bpha residents.

    At this time, bpha is only exploring options for the redevelopment of the Greyfriars area, which could include demolition of the flats.

    Should redevelopment of Greyfriars be pursued, it is unlikely to take place for around five years and prior to this, consultation would be undertaken with bpha residents regarding their housing options. 

Page last updated: 12 Jul 2024, 09:26 AM