How satisfied are you that the repair responsibilities between bpha and customers is fairly balanced?
How satisfied are you that the information bpha provides about repair responsibilities is clear and easy to follow?
Please provide examples of any repairs responsibilities that you feel requires clearer guidance?
As a bpha customer are you aware of what repairs you are responsible for?
Who would you contact if you had a pest control issues in your property? (e.g. mice, rats, bedbugs)
When thinking about windows, which of these do you think should be the responsibility of bpha? (You can select more that one option)
It is usually the customers responsibility to redecorate if this is needed, after bpha have completed a repair in your property. For example, painting after a leak has been repaired. Please share your thoughts with us about this.
Any changes to increase bpha's repairs responsibilities will effect budgets, which can result in other services being impacted. Which repairs would you be willing to take on as the customers responsibility or what bpha services would you be willing to see reduced for bpha to be able to take on more repairs responsibilities?
All costs of repairs are funded through the rent you pay, any changes, could result in additional charges to the customer. Would you be willing to pay an additional charge for an enhanced repair service?
Is there anything else you would like to add about bpha's or customer's repairs responsibilities?
Would you be happy to speak to a customer on the Service Improvement Panel, if we wanted further information about your responses?
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Please provide your email address.
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